Home / Free Samples
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- info@hanhent.com
- Address:
- Room 301-303,Building 8,No.181 Wuchang Avenue,Wuchang Street,Yuhang District,Hangzhou,China
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Frequently Asked Questions
Q:Are your samples shipped for free?
A:Yes, we ship out 5 samples free of charge and you can expect to see them within 5 - 7 business days as we send them overnight via FedEx/DHL. If you want more than 5 samples, please contact one of our sales representatives.
Q:How many samples can we order?
A:You can order as many as 5 samples free of charge.What if I want more than five samples?We are more than happy to send you more than 5 samples, but there will be a small fee to cover the shipping cost for us to send these out to you.
Q:Do I have to return the samples?
A:There is no need to return the samples as they are yours to keep!
Q:Who delivers the samples?
A:We use FedEx/DHL to deliver all of our samples.
Q:How big are the samples?
A:The samples are an exact replica of the floors and are on average x6 a piece. This will give you a great feel for what the floors will look like. We encourage all of our customers to test the samples to ensure they meet their standards (i.e. have fun and see how tough they really are by scratching them with your keys, putting water on them, and anything else you can think of!)
Q:How long will it take for the samples to get here?
A:We ship our samples out overnight so you can expect to see them within 5-7 business days depends on the distance.
Q:What if I don't like the samples, can I come back and order more?
A:If you don't like the samples we absolutely encourage you to order new ones so that we can try and help get you that perfect match.