Six Reasons Why Hanflor Vinyl IS The Perfect Flooring For Your Home
Six Reasons Why Hanflor Vinyl IS The Perfect Flooring For Your Home
When it comes to luxury vinyl flooring, the list of benefits is long, and there are many products to choose from. Hanflor for both trendy looks and enduring strength, hanflor vinyl floors can stand up to the wear and tear of real life—including accident-prone kids and energetic pets. Here are a few reasons why hanflor luxury vinyl flooring is perfect for your home.
Reason #1: It’s Waterproof
Because of its easy-to-install proprietary locking system, hanflor planks fit together like no other vinyl flooring on the market. No water is going to get through the seal on this floor, and it even comes with a 100% waterproof promise. No other wood or vinyl flooring out there can offer this premium feature, and it means that when Fido has an occasional accident or one of your tiny humans spills milk on the floor (because he can do it “all by myself!”), you don’t have to panic about what damage is being done. With hanflor, you can relax, knowing that your floors were designed for moments like these.

Reason #2: It’s Dent Proof
Let’s be honest: we’ve all dropped something heavy, then experienced the momentary panic of wondering what damage we’ve just inflicted on our floor. Accidents happen, and hanflor floors are ready for them — their dent-proof promise stems from the “rigid” in rigid vinyl floors. The core of each plank is made of a rigid composite that refuses to dent under pressure. So whether your young aspiring pro bowler creates a lane in the hallway or a marble paperweight takes a tumble off your desk, your hanflor floors will weather the abuse with ease.

Reason #3: Water-Resistant and Insulating
Vinyl creates an insulating layer in the home that can help with efficiency and feeling good while walking on it. It is also resistant to water and moisture, unlike real wood flooring. Choosing printed vinyl instead of real wood allows for a wood look in rooms where this is normally not possible, such as in a bathroom or kitchen.

Reason #4: It’s Kid and Pet Proof
In case reasons 1 and 2 didn’t convince you that hanflor was designed with kids and pets in mind, let’s talk about its other promise: these floors are 100% kid and pet proof. The top layer of each hanflor plank offers superior protection from scuffs, scratches and stains. Daily wear and tear on the floors in a busy household can be brutal: between abrasive items sliding across the floor at playtime and the impact of endless foot (and paw) traffic, keeping floors looking beautiful is a challenge. Built to withstand heavy daily use, hanflor was created with real families in mind.

Reason #5: Installation Has Advanced and Simplified
With the development of vinyl tiles as an alternative to bulky, inconvenient rolls, vinyl is easier to install than ever before. The tiles have plastic backs that peel off to reveal adhesive. They can then be pressed into place. This makes vinyl flooring installation a DIY possibility. If an area is scratched or stained, the affected tile can be removed and replaced with a new one instead of having to redo the whole floor.

Reason #6: It’s Available in a Variety of Styles
You might be accustomed to finding that a quality product you love is only offered in a handful of styles, but hanflor offers a wide variety of styles in both wood and tile looks. With more than 60 distinct styles to choose from, including several with a wider, longer plank, you’re sure to find one that’s a perfect fit for your home.